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Stray sheds light on a growing crisis in the serene valleys of Kashmir

the alarming increase in stray dog attacks. The film highlights the devastating impact on residents, revealing shocking incidents such as an 8-year-old boy attacked by a pack of 20 stray dogs and an Assistant Sub-Inspector succumbing to rabies after bravely saving pedestrians from stray dogs. The canine menace has reached alarming levels, with an average of 50 dog bite cases reported daily in Jammu and Kashmir.

Factors contributing to the issue include the unchecked growth of the stray dog population due to garbage accumulation and poultry waste. The documentary explores the inadequacy of efforts to control the crisis, emphasising the need for urgent implementation of the Animal Birth Control programme and collaborative efforts between the government, municipal corporations, and NGOs.

The documentary calls for awareness programmes in schools and societal changes to address the root of the problem, emphasising that the story of a community fighting against this silent threat deserves attention, compassion, and collective effort.




28 Aug 2023



In Kashmir the serene beauty of the valleys is juxtaposed with a growing menace. A crisis has silently crept into the lives of its residents, leaving behind scars both physical and emotional.

According to the Srinagar Municipal Corporation, Srinagar city bears the brunt of the crisis of growing stray dogs, putting everyone from elderly individuals to toddlers at risk.

Several factors contribute to the unchecked growth of the stray dog population in Kashmir. The accumulation of garbage and poultry waste on the streets has become a breeding ground for dogs. The availability of offal and leftover food in garbage exacerbates the problem.